My heart Froze
POSTED ON 23 Agustus 2010 AT Senin, Agustus 23, 2010 \\
even though i tell it not to go
even though i tell it to stop
my heart keeps going towards you
and it doesn't wear out
it doesn't decrease
why is my love like this?
one by one i count the memories
my heart can't stop even for a moment
and it's so to bear
so hard to control
why can't i erase the memories
my heart froze
i must have become a fool
who is blinded by love
just one place
everyday this one place
looking at the sad light
my tear glands must have broken
the tears keep rolling down my face
i love you
i love only you
can't you tell me you love me too?
even when i hold out my hands
even when i scream your name
you're still far away from me
it'll be a love that leave painful scars
why can't i stop loving you
my heart froze
i must have become a fool
who is blinded by love
just one place
everyday this one place
looking at the sad light
my tear glands must have broken
the tears keep rolling down my face
i love you
i love only you
can't you tell me you love me too?
i try to comfort my self whit the lie
that i'll be happy if you're happy
because the one you go to is not me
my tears keep falling down
can't you tell me you love me too?
my heart froze
i must have gone crazy over you
i can't have you , i can't forget you
waiting for you day after day
i must have fallen ill from
missing you so much and loving you so much
just one thing
your heart
can't you share it with me?
can't you tell me you love me too?
my heart froze*
satu kesempatan dalam satu masa
POSTED ON 21 Agustus 2010 AT Sabtu, Agustus 21, 2010 \\
baru ngepost lagi nih, setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya (lebay tapi boong). ini blog baru yang lama emailnya dan pas nya juga lupa, hhaha 'dong dong'.ini postingan ke dua "satu kesempatan dalam satu masa".
sedikit mau cerita aja nih selama di ospek seminggu,. tiap waktu gw menanti nanti ospek tanggal 2agustus, pengen banget jadi anak kuliahan, mungkin karena sumpek dirumah terus dampaknya itulah cepet bosen.nih dari hari ke hari gw mau cerita selama ospek di BINUS.Hari pertama, hari yang ditunggu tunggu banget ma gw, gimana rasanya jadi anak kuliahan walaupun belom aktif masi masa ospek. awalnya gw ga kenal siapa siapa, hha lama2 gw kenal satu satu.Hari kedua, disuruh pake sepatu kets, kemeja putih, dan celana bahan (rada mirip OB). ud gt kemejanya kegedean pula, huhu bsk minta dibeliin kemeja yang kecilan dikit, ga nyaman klo kegedean. Hari kedua ini gw pergi dari rumah setangah enam naek D01 dari ciputat lanjut M9 lanjut M11, rada ribet sihh yang penting menambah pengalaman naeik angkot. hha:D ud gitu macet. 'pergi ngangkot pulang ngangkot juga'Hari ketiga, hari kebersamaan dan sosial. Tas berat banget segala bawa minya 2L. Tapi pas acara kebersamaan seru banget, terus pake yell yell kelas pula, tapi kocak lhoo yell yell BBN05.kaya gini ni yell yell nya . . . . cekidottt..
Sekeren – kerennya kelas lain lebih keren BBN 05
Sehebat – hebatnya kelas lain lebih hebat BBN 05Sekompak – kompak kelas lain lebih kompak BBN 05BBN 05 hei BBN 05 hei mengalahkan segalanya
BBN 05 hei BBN 05 hei mengalahkan segalanya
BBN 05 kelas yang paling kerenBBN 05 kelas yang paling kompakFakultas ekonomi jurusan akuntansiYa inilah kami…. Asyikk~
BBN 05 05 huhuhuhhhhhKelas paling heboh, paling heboh huhuhuhhhhFakultas yang lain, tolong jangan iri
Senangnya dalam hatiAda dikelas iniBC nya oke-okeTampangnya kece-keceKelas lain, kasiann de lu…...!!!
kocak kan hha:D
Hari keempat, jam pertama itu sesi Binusmaya, masi pagi ngantuk udah natap komputer. huaa. tapi untungnya ya kakak mentornya ganteng, hhaha jadi melek lagi dehh (kidding). Pas pulang di Pim macet banget udah lapar banget, pegel berdiri di busway trs ga dpt tempat duduk. 'nasib' pas di Rs PI turun dari busway mampir dulu ke Kfc. karena macet total ga mungkin naik busway lagi, akhirnya gw, mia (sastra jepang), mitta (bbn05), sama dewi (bbn05) jalan kaki sampe lebak bulus, sampe rumah sekitar stgh sepuluh.Hari kelima, biasa lah banyak kegiatan. sudah lumayan cape di ospek udah kya sebulan. hha:DHari keenam sekaligus hari terakhir ada expo.
Nahh, hari yang paling berkesan buat gw itu hari kelima, hari yang paling menyenangkan, menyebalkan, tapi mengesankan. hhe:D
guys,, kita liat yukk nihh tampang anak anak BBN05
but we'll never bloom again...
POSTED ON 19 Agustus 2010 AT Kamis, Agustus 19, 2010 \\
"In a blink of an eye,
I was gone without even saying goodbye.
If you only knew how painful it was
to leave our friendship behind.
A stolen moment that was,
trying to steal you back again to my present life.
But do I still have a room to your heart
when I know that you're already crowded
with people to love?
It's a tragedy to see our friendship end
just before springtime began.
If only God gave me another chance
to prove my worth as a friend,
then i wouldn't feel this loneliness
that is slowly eating me away.
All I have now are tears of regret
coz I know there's no chance for me
to bring you back to my life again.
But until now, as long as I'm breathing the air of life,
I will never stop hoping that someday, somehow
I will see you standing right in front of me
that was once been stolen by a fleeting time."
written by :iconPaniFowl:
thank you :heart:
Copyright © jyoujo ( Yoshi ).
All rights reserved.
My images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
♫ music ~love ♥
a l w a y s !
i 'm sure we'll grow ...
but we'll never bloom again...
My heart Froze
POSTED ON 23 Agustus 2010 AT Senin, Agustus 23, 2010 \\
even though i tell it not to go
even though i tell it to stop
my heart keeps going towards you
and it doesn't wear out
it doesn't decrease
why is my love like this?
one by one i count the memories
my heart can't stop even for a moment
and it's so to bear
so hard to control
why can't i erase the memories
my heart froze
i must have become a fool
who is blinded by love
just one place
everyday this one place
looking at the sad light
my tear glands must have broken
the tears keep rolling down my face
i love you
i love only you
can't you tell me you love me too?
even when i hold out my hands
even when i scream your name
you're still far away from me
it'll be a love that leave painful scars
why can't i stop loving you
my heart froze
i must have become a fool
who is blinded by love
just one place
everyday this one place
looking at the sad light
my tear glands must have broken
the tears keep rolling down my face
i love you
i love only you
can't you tell me you love me too?
i try to comfort my self whit the lie
that i'll be happy if you're happy
because the one you go to is not me
my tears keep falling down
can't you tell me you love me too?
my heart froze
i must have gone crazy over you
i can't have you , i can't forget you
waiting for you day after day
i must have fallen ill from
missing you so much and loving you so much
just one thing
your heart
can't you share it with me?
can't you tell me you love me too?
my heart froze*
satu kesempatan dalam satu masa
POSTED ON 21 Agustus 2010 AT Sabtu, Agustus 21, 2010 \\
baru ngepost lagi nih, setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya (lebay tapi boong). ini blog baru yang lama emailnya dan pas nya juga lupa, hhaha 'dong dong'.ini postingan ke dua "satu kesempatan dalam satu masa".
sedikit mau cerita aja nih selama di ospek seminggu,. tiap waktu gw menanti nanti ospek tanggal 2agustus, pengen banget jadi anak kuliahan, mungkin karena sumpek dirumah terus dampaknya itulah cepet bosen.nih dari hari ke hari gw mau cerita selama ospek di BINUS.Hari pertama, hari yang ditunggu tunggu banget ma gw, gimana rasanya jadi anak kuliahan walaupun belom aktif masi masa ospek. awalnya gw ga kenal siapa siapa, hha lama2 gw kenal satu satu.Hari kedua, disuruh pake sepatu kets, kemeja putih, dan celana bahan (rada mirip OB). ud gt kemejanya kegedean pula, huhu bsk minta dibeliin kemeja yang kecilan dikit, ga nyaman klo kegedean. Hari kedua ini gw pergi dari rumah setangah enam naek D01 dari ciputat lanjut M9 lanjut M11, rada ribet sihh yang penting menambah pengalaman naeik angkot. hha:D ud gitu macet. 'pergi ngangkot pulang ngangkot juga'Hari ketiga, hari kebersamaan dan sosial. Tas berat banget segala bawa minya 2L. Tapi pas acara kebersamaan seru banget, terus pake yell yell kelas pula, tapi kocak lhoo yell yell BBN05.kaya gini ni yell yell nya . . . . cekidottt..
Sekeren – kerennya kelas lain lebih keren BBN 05
Sehebat – hebatnya kelas lain lebih hebat BBN 05Sekompak – kompak kelas lain lebih kompak BBN 05BBN 05 hei BBN 05 hei mengalahkan segalanya
BBN 05 hei BBN 05 hei mengalahkan segalanya
BBN 05 kelas yang paling kerenBBN 05 kelas yang paling kompakFakultas ekonomi jurusan akuntansiYa inilah kami…. Asyikk~
BBN 05 05 huhuhuhhhhhKelas paling heboh, paling heboh huhuhuhhhhFakultas yang lain, tolong jangan iri
Senangnya dalam hatiAda dikelas iniBC nya oke-okeTampangnya kece-keceKelas lain, kasiann de lu…...!!!
kocak kan hha:D
Hari keempat, jam pertama itu sesi Binusmaya, masi pagi ngantuk udah natap komputer. huaa. tapi untungnya ya kakak mentornya ganteng, hhaha jadi melek lagi dehh (kidding). Pas pulang di Pim macet banget udah lapar banget, pegel berdiri di busway trs ga dpt tempat duduk. 'nasib' pas di Rs PI turun dari busway mampir dulu ke Kfc. karena macet total ga mungkin naik busway lagi, akhirnya gw, mia (sastra jepang), mitta (bbn05), sama dewi (bbn05) jalan kaki sampe lebak bulus, sampe rumah sekitar stgh sepuluh.Hari kelima, biasa lah banyak kegiatan. sudah lumayan cape di ospek udah kya sebulan. hha:DHari keenam sekaligus hari terakhir ada expo.
Nahh, hari yang paling berkesan buat gw itu hari kelima, hari yang paling menyenangkan, menyebalkan, tapi mengesankan. hhe:D
guys,, kita liat yukk nihh tampang anak anak BBN05
but we'll never bloom again...
POSTED ON 19 Agustus 2010 AT Kamis, Agustus 19, 2010 \\
"In a blink of an eye,
I was gone without even saying goodbye.
If you only knew how painful it was
to leave our friendship behind.
A stolen moment that was,
trying to steal you back again to my present life.
But do I still have a room to your heart
when I know that you're already crowded
with people to love?
It's a tragedy to see our friendship end
just before springtime began.
If only God gave me another chance
to prove my worth as a friend,
then i wouldn't feel this loneliness
that is slowly eating me away.
All I have now are tears of regret
coz I know there's no chance for me
to bring you back to my life again.
But until now, as long as I'm breathing the air of life,
I will never stop hoping that someday, somehow
I will see you standing right in front of me
that was once been stolen by a fleeting time."
written by :iconPaniFowl:
thank you :heart:
Copyright © jyoujo ( Yoshi ).
All rights reserved.
My images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
♫ music ~love ♥
a l w a y s !
i 'm sure we'll grow ...
but we'll never bloom again...
mood and rainy
A derp who likes french-kissing her flute and massaging le piano. I kid, I kid. But I
am a musician... still a student though. I am addicted to melon milk, coffee, Zooey Deschanel, reading about cryptology and horror and gory manga. I like taking photos every fucking time.
Favorite color is brown, the color of earth and chocolates. Books are my best friends. The only time they betrayed me was when I thought an author was female then it turns out to be, aloha, male. Enclosed spaces are cozy; I'm weird like that. And oh, I have a tiny puppy named Sushi who rolls on its back every time I refuse to put down its milk bowl.